AVG is the number three internet security company in the world, with more than 70 million users. The assignment was to build a big idea powerful enough to challenge the leaders who outspend AVG ten fold. A “more human” approach to internet security was brought to life through the establishment of hugsforhackers.org. National print/drive to web targeting key opinion formers launched the story.

Create a strategy that would differentiate AVG from the competition from a brand perspective. Build a big idea powerful enough to challenge the leaders who outspend AVG ten fold.

A “more human” approach to Internet security was brought to life through the establishment of hugsforhackers.org. National print and Digital targeting key business opinion formers launched the story that AVG is putting hackers out of work.

Dramatic growth in the number of US users (50MM to 85MM) and increased brand recognition.


Hugsforhackers.org featured webisodes of Hacker Haven. The funny video story followed several hacker personalities through their '‘rehab’' experience at a halfway house to get hackers back in the mainstream. These hacker misfits needed to learn social skills, like how to have a relationship with a real girl, how to throw a ball, and other geek inside jokes. They also were forced to face their fear of the AVG security software.

 Dr. Chester's Infomercial

A Lurid Pursuit- Part 1

Hacker Haven Intro

Arrival Day: "Meet The Hackers"

Tight Quarters: "I Call Bed"

"Stripped" (The Name Game)

Venting Frustrations
